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2016-03-11 12:15 · Admin · 0 Kommentare

20140606 Urlaub

Hurra, hurra, der Urlaub ist da!


2014-06-23 17:11 · 2 Kommentare


[namespace] namespace for the blog; subspaces will be searched as well; * is the whole wiki, . is the same namespace as the page lies in optional; default is the blog namespace set in the configuration
[number] number of entries to show per page optional; default is 5
[flags] flags are delimited by &
all Include plugin flags are supported optional
Form placement: topform/bottomform/noform optional, default is topform
Custom new-entry form title: newentrytitle=Custom title optional, can also be set as a configuration option

This includes a specified number of most recent blog entries from the given namespace into the current page. Below the entries a link to the page (permalink), the author, the creation date and the number of comments are shown. Link, author, date and comments info can be hidden. At the end of the blog a link to older entries lets you navigate in the history of the blog. At the very end, if you have enough rights to create new pages, a form for new blog entries is displayed.


[namespace] the namespace for which you want an archive list; * is the whole wiki, . is the same namespace as the page lies in optional; default is the namespace specified in the configuration
[month] the month for the archive list in YYYY-MM format; * for all pages required
[flags] pagelist flags delimited by &, see flags optional

Shows a table with all pages of the given namespace that were created in the specified month.


Creates an automatic archive.

Configuration and Settings

The blog plugin can be configured using the DokuWiki configuration manager available in the admin menu.

namespace The default namespace which is used if no namespace was given in the syntax
formposition You can choose to display the new entry form either above or below the blog entries
newentrytitle Set a custom title for all new entry forms. This can also be set on individual blog forms.
dateprefix A date prefix that automatically gets added to pages created with the new entry form. You can use the options from the strftime PHP function; namespace separators work as well, e.g. %Y:%m%d
sortkey Defines how the blog entries are sorted. Available options are creation date, modification date, page name, page ID and page title (first headline)
sortorder Sort the blog entries ascending/descending
showhistogram Display a histogram in normal archive mode (not for autoarchive)
