Tolino Shine 3 (ereader)

Freeing your device! 🙂

  • We starting with this version of device: 12.1.0 But its only an info.
  • For fastboot, poweroff device WITH connected USB-Cable. Then start command on Computer and HOLD Power-Key (~30sec) on Device until reboot
  • fastboot flash recovery twrp_for_tolino_shine_3.V.3.3.1.img ; fastboot reboot # works! \o/ 
  • For boot into Recover, HOLD Power-Key (~30sec) WITHOUT USB-Cable until boot into the new TWRP - or old recovery, if somethin bad or has do an Updade, Backup, Restore, Install, …
  • It TWRP works, reboot into System and put the Apps you like on the device.
  • … install some Apps and testing …
  • For Update to an newer Tolino Version:
    • At first, reboot and launch to Tolino, upload the by hand ( and put it via USB on device at /, now press Poweroff and choose 'Restart'. TRWP should appear and install the Update … and reboot into System), like: 13.2.1
    • Test: Recovery TRWP: NOPE 😞 original Recovery appears, so we need an reflash of it after an update.
    • Test: My installed APPS: OK 🙂 Installed APPs are shown..
    • URGENT! Remove the file / after updating, else there updateing again when you take an reboot…
If you know the Killer-APP for Ereader contact us! 😃

Einfach auf das erste Bild klicken um die Slideshow zu starten, und dann mit Cursor-Rechts und -Links durchblättern, ESC beendet die Funktion.

  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/300s, f/3.5, ISO 250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/130s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/250s, f/3.5, ISO 400</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/100s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/50s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/30s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/400s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>13/10/2019 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/250s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/300s, f/3.5, ISO 320</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/300s, f/3.5, ISO 320</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/300s, f/3.5, ISO 320</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>19/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/300s, f/3.5, ISO 250</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>25/04/2020 - NIKON COOLPIX S3300, 10/250s, f/3.5, ISO 800</p>
  • <h4></h4><p>25/04/2020</p>

TWRP and APPs on Tolino Shine 3, and pics of opened device

14 Bilder

© 2020 by Frnake

+ More control on device
+ Better reading, more formats (incl. comics)
+ Ambilight can only configured into Tolino-APP, but its ok, works for all other APPs too
  • Use only APPs your really need
  • Use small APPs, storage and memory are limited
  • Move APPs to SD-Card if possible
  • Have an Backup (aka Image) from your intern Card, before you change everything. Or know people they have one. 😉
  • Make a Backup with TWRP (and Backup them extern too) before you crash the device. 😉
  • Its possible to extend storage by copying the image from original SD-Card to an bigger one and rezise the data partition with gparted (see picture). But remember: That's an FAT-FS and you cant store bigger files else 4GB on it (like dictionarys 😞).
  • Change Display Propertys:
    • App „TestEink“:
      • Changes to (New/Orig):
        • Choose a waveform-mode: GLR16 / DU
        • Choose a update-mode: FULL / Patrial
        • Choose a wait-mode: NOWAIT / dito
        • Choose a monochrome-mode: NOMONOCHROME / dito
        • Choose a hardware dither-mode: DITHER_COLOR_Y4 / NONE
        • Choose a software dither-mode: Android_ARGB8888
        • Click „Go to testing“ and type on Screen. Swipe to Top for ending. The options are used and fallback on reboot.
  • Zuletzt geändert: 2022-06-26 07:13
  • von Admin